Cold Weather Tips To Avoid Visiting The Animal Hospital
The winter months aren’t just brutal on people. They are equally brutal on pets. It is extremely important to keep them warm and safe during the coldest time of the year. The Twin Peaks Veterinary Center will help you protect your pets in Tucson AZ, by advising you how to care for them.
Use A Humidifier
When your pets are entering and exiting your home during the winter, their skin may start to flake and become itchy due to the changes in temperature between indoors and outdoors. You can avoid this by using a humidifier at home. Even so, when your pet comes in from a wet, snowy yard, it is important to use a towel to wipe off their feet. Wiping in between their toes is also necessary, as is wiping away any lingering snow from the pad of their paw. When walking a pet outside during the winter, take a towel and clean off their stomach and paws right away.
Avoid Baths
Though it may sound counterproductive, it is better to avoid bathing your pets more often than necessary when the weather turns cold. Too many baths during a short period can take oils out of your pet’s skin that they need in order to remain warm and healthy. It will also further contribute to drying out their skin and making it itchy. A veterinarian in Tucson Az can suggest a moisturizing shampoo to use if you must bathe your pet during the winter.
Animal Hospital Dietary Recommendations
As long as your pet is not overweight, it is best to feed them extra food during the winter. It takes more energy for your pets to make it through the winter than it does the other seasons. Making sure they have more than enough food will make winter weather easier on them.
Contact Your Local Animal Hospital
Before the winter weather sets in, make an appointment at the Twin Peaks Veterinary Center, serving Tucson. They will make sure your pet is prepared to endure the cold of winter without getting sick.