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Stay Healthy with Pet Vaccinations
Your dog and cat will encounter a wide range of environments and creatures over the course of a lifetime and unfortunately, some of those encounters can prove dangerous. Deadly germs can easily be transferred to pets whose immune systems aren’t ready for the onslaught. Fortunately, you can anticipate those diseases by vaccinating your pet ahead of time.
Here at Twin Peaks Veterinary Center, we’re more than happy to provide a variety of pet vaccinations in Tucson, Arizona.
Why Vaccinations Are Important
To understand why vaccinations matter so much, you must first understand how an animal’s body protects itself against disease organisms. When the body is invaded by a specific germ, the immune system creates antibodies to destroy that germ. But there are no antibodies to guard against that first exposure — unless your pet is vaccinated. A vaccine replicates the germ without actually causing the disease, triggering the creation of the necessary antibodies. These antibodies can now guard your pet against the real thing.
Core and Elective Cat and Dog Vaccinations
Cat and dog vaccinations can be divided into two categories: core vaccinations and elective vaccinations. Core vaccinations are essential for every dog and cat because they protect against the most commonly-encountered killer diseases. Your dog needs core vaccinations against rabies, canine hepatitis, canine distemper, and parvovirus. Your cat needs core vaccinations against rabies, calicivirus, feline distemper, and feline herpesvirus type 1.
Elective vaccinations protect against diseases that are less commonplace, or more likely to affect dogs and cats in specific environments or situations. For example, cats that spend lots of time around other cats may need to be vaccinated against communicable diseases such as feline leukemia. Dogs who are boarded with other animals may need to be vaccinated against Bordetella bronchiseptica. Outdoor pets may also need vaccinations against tick-borne illnesses such as Lyme disease. We can evaluate your pet’s lifestyle to determine whether he needs elective vaccinations.
Schedule Your Pet’s Vaccinations With Your Veterinarian in Tucson
Pets need multiple rounds of vaccinations as puppies or kittens, beginning at around 8 weeks of age and recurring throughout the first critical year of life. Once the proper disease resistance has been built up, adult pets then need periodic booster shots to keep that protection strong. Our veterinary team can advise you on the right vaccinations and vaccination schedule for your pet.
Call (520) 572-8300 to schedule a consultation and any necessary vaccinations from your veterinarian in Tucson here at Twin Peaks Veterinary Center!
Vaccines FAQs
Modern vaccines are instrumental in helping pets live longer and healthier. Vaccines protect your pet against such life-threatening diseases as Rabies, Distemper, Parvovirus, Lyme disease, and more. If you live in Tucson, AZ, you can bring your pet to Twin Peaks Veterinary Center for vaccinations. Here is what you should know about modern vaccines for your pet.
What Are Vaccines?
Vaccines are health products designed to protect your pet against contagious diseases. They work by stimulating your pet’s immune system to produce antibodies against the disease. If your pet is exposed to these diseases, the body will be able to fight against these harmful microorganisms. Some vaccines prevent the disease while others reduce the severity of the infection.
Why Is It Important To Vaccinate My Pet?
You never know when your pet will be exposed to a contagious disease. Some diseases, like rabies, can threaten your pet’s life. By vaccinating your pet, you can protect its health and life in the long term.
What Vaccines Should I Give My Pet?
Core vaccinations are essential because your pet is more likely to encounter dangerous diseases. At Twin Peaks Veterinary Center, we recommend your dog or cat get the following core (essential and common) vaccinations:
For your cat: feline distemper, calicivirus, feline herpesvirus type 1, and rabies
For your dog: parvovirus, canine hepatitis, rabies, and canine distemper
Non-core vaccines, also known as elective vaccines, are more about treating diseases found in certain environments. Such diseases found in these environments include canine kennel cough or feline leukemia. For example, if your dog spends time at a boarding facility, you may want to protect him against kennel cough, which can spread quite easily in that environment.
Your pet’s lifestyle plays a key role in non-core vaccines. If your pet stays at home for most of the time, your pet is less likely to be exposed to contagious diseases. If your canine or feline loves the great outdoors, there is a greater risk of getting a disease due to having more contact with other pets or wildlife. Your geographic location also affects your pet’s vaccination program as it is more prone to get diseases that are common in the area where you live.
How Often Should I Vaccinate My Pet?
As vaccines have different levels of protection, there is no set schedule for all pets. Your Tucson veterinarian will customize a vaccination schedule to provide the unique protection that your pet may need.
Do Vaccines Pose A Risk To My Pet?
In general, vaccinations are safe and life-saving for your pet. However, that doesn’t mean they are completely risk-free. Your pet may suffer an allergic reaction to a vaccine, which may cause swelling at the injection site, shortness of breath, or weakness. If you notice that your pet is having an allergic reaction, contact our clinic immediately to rectify the problem
7555 W Twin Peaks Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85743
Monday – Saturday: 7 AM to 6 PM
Closed Sundays