Same day urgent care services available for your pet
Same day urgent care appointments are offered based on availability on a same day basis. Please call the office to leave an urgent care request. These requests will be evaluated by our doctor’s on duty and you will receive a call regardless to let you know if we can accommodate your pet that day. If your pet requires immediate help, please seek out the nearest emergency clinic. Emergency clinics should be utilized for time sensitive emergencies. We want what’s best for your pet, and sometimes, that isn’t us. We would be happy to advise you of the best course of action during an emergency.
If we are closed or do not have appointment availability and your pet needs to be seen, we recommend visiting Tucson Veterinary Urgent Care. It is located at 4832 E. Speedway Blvd. and is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. seven days a week. The team can address eye or ear infections, heatstroke, snake bites, wounds, infections, respiratory issues, mild traumas and more. The hospital offers online check-in or walk-ins. Visit for more information.
Pet Emergencies
Due to our unique and varied climate there are quite an array of common issues that lead pets to trauma level situations. Some of the most frequent emergencies include the following.
Upset Stomach/Vomiting: Repeated vomiting, especially when accompanied by diarrhea, that doesn’t cease after 24 hours can be symptomatic of a serious condition such as poisoning or heatstroke. This is particularly dangerous if the animal is exhibiting signs of lethargy and loss of appetite.
Heatstroke: Those hot days can take a toll on our pets, and conditions such as heatstroke can come on quickly. If you see signs of excessive panting and salivation accompanied by weakness, lethargy, vomiting, or bright gums, contact our animal clinic in Tucson right away.
Trauma Injuries: Getting hit by a car, a serious fall, a hard hit, or unexpected wound requires immediate treatment, even if the animal seems fine at the time of the incident.
Poisoning or Questionable Ingestion: If you think your pet has eaten something harmful, they should be seen right away. While vomiting or signs of choking often present themselves, some pets may only drool profusely or have a darkening in the mouth as an indicator.
Collapse: If your pet collapses, there could be a number of serious, life-threatening causes that require trauma level pet services right away. Collapses are often the result of respiratory or heart distress and could even be the result of internal bleeding or poisoning.
Snake or Animal Bites: Snakes such as rattlers are a very real part of our existence, especially for those who love to take advantage of Tucson’s abundance of outdoor beauty. Any signs of puncture wounds on the skin or signals of breathing troubles may indicate a poisonous bite of some kind.