Microchipping is a remarkably fast and simple procedure that we perform on cats and dogs regularly. In fact, most pets can be microchipped between 4-6 weeks of age, making it an ideal procedure to include with regular and booster vaccinations.
When we insert this rice-sized microchip into the back of your pet’s neck using a syringe, they will feel no pain beyond that of a standard injection. The two-minute procedure is so painless that no anesthesia is necessary and it typically costs less than a routine visit. This pet microchip can be scanned by any veterinarian or animal shelter, and it lets pet finders connect to a database to reunite pets and owners.
The Benefits of Pet Microchipping in Tucson
Beyond the convenience and low cost, pet microchipping in Tucson offers a number of additional benefits including:
Recovery Rates with Dog Microchipping and Cat Microchipping
According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, dog microchipping has resulted in pooches that have made it home just over 52% of the time, while non-chipped dogs are only returned approximately 22% of the time. Concerning felines, cat microchipping has resulted in pets being returned over 38% of the time, while non-chipped cats were reunited with owners less than 2% of the time. However, it’s important to note that many microchipped pets go unclaimed due to the owners having outdated contact information on file with their chosen registry.