Closed Sundays
Closed Sundays
General Questions
How much are your exams?
General examinations are $79 and this covers a nose to tail examination by the veterinarian. Some services are available with a veterinary technician, and that cost is $37.
How much are your vaccines?
You will not find vaccination prices on our website. However, you can call the office and speak with one of our team members to get that information. Twin Peaks Veterinary Center believes in choosing the vaccines that are appropriate for your pet’s age and lifestyle.
Why do I need an exam with a veterinarian for a rabies vaccine?
State law requires that a rabies vaccine be administered by a licensed veterinarian. The examination is to ensure that your pet is healthy enough to receive the vaccine safely.
Can you give me an estimate over the phone?
For some services, yes, estimates can be delivered over the phone. Services like examinations and vaccinations are items where the cost never varies. However, for most services including surgeries and illnesses, we prefer that the pet receive an examination so that an accurate estimate can be produced. We would hate to give an estimate that we cannot honor.
How long after I adopt an animal from HSSA am I able to use my exam coupon?
If you make your appointment within three days of adoption, we will allow up to two weeks for the courtesy examination.
Can I still get a discounted exam from HSSA if I forgot my records?
If we can confirm that your pet was adopted from HSSA, you may still receive the complimentary examination.
Do you do billing?
Unfortunately, no. Payment is expected when services are rendered. In order to focus on our patients’ needs, customer service, and to minimize cost, we do not offer billing. We do, however, accept cash, credit, debit cards, Care Credit and Scratch Pay. You can apply for Care Credit and Scratch Pay while you are here in the clinic or from the comfort of your home computer. Another option may be to apply for pet insurance. Please visit and enter your pet’s information to get a quote today!
What is a doctor-patient relationship and why do I need one to get my pet’s medicine?
Arizona state law ARS 32-2201.25 states that prescription medications can only be dispensed under a valid veterinarian-client-patient-relationship, which according to AAHA (which our hospital is governed by) requires “The veterinarian has sufficient knowledge of the patient to initiate at least a general or preliminary diagnosis of its medical condition. This means the veterinarian has examined the patient within the past 12 months, or more recently as dictated by the age or medical condition of the patient.”
Heartworm FAQ’s
How often do I need a heartworm test (4Dx test)?
We recommend a heartworm test every year. Annual testing on dogs, even dogs receiving year- round preventative, is extremely important to verify that they are not becoming infected despite precautions. There have been cases of resistance identified, and there have been preventative failures. Annual testing ensures that infected dogs are identified and treated as early as possible.
Why do I have to have a heartworm test every year?
Annual testing is recommended due to the chance of missed doses, preventative medication failure, development of resistance, and because if the dog tests positive, we need to begin treatment as soon as possible. The damage caused by heartworms is severe and often irreversible. At Twin Peaks Veterinary Center, where we use Heartgard Plus, annual testing also ensures that if your dog tests positive while on prevention, the manufacturer will pay for all treatment.
Why do I have to give monthly heartworm prevention in Arizona?
Believe it or not, Arizona has a significant mosquito population. Over 70 species of mosquitos are capable of transmitting heartworm disease, and many of those species can be found in Arizona. We also have a wild canid population (coyotes) that can carry heartworms. Combine that with research that shows less than 50% of the dogs at risk are being protected. The damage done from a heartworm infection is serious, irreversible, and potentially fatal. The American Heartworm Society incidence maps show that Pima County reported 6-25 cases of heartworm per clinic in 2013, and they expect that number to rise when data is collected in 2016. Prevention is safe, easy, and cost-effective.
Why can’t I purchase Heartgard Plus or Nexgard over the counter?
These products are prescription medications, just like antibiotics and pain medications. They must be dispensed to your dog only within a valid doctor-patient relationship. This requirement is easily satisfied with an annual examination of your pet.
Why do vets have differing opinions on heartworm prevention and treatment in cats?
Cats are wonderfully complex creatures and are not considered natural hosts to heartworms. For this reason, diagnosis can be challenging and treatment can be difficult. At Twin Peaks Veterinary Center, though we do recommend prevention, we do not require cats be tested for heartworm prior to starting prevention. Please ask your veterinarian if he or she feels your cat should be on prevention.