Protect Your Dog or Cat from Heartworm Disease
Heartworm disease is a serious condition that can affect your pet in several ways. Thankfully, there are specialist veterinarians in the Tucson area at Twin Peaks Veterinary Center. They can assist you when you suspect your pet may need heartworm treatment.
What Are Heartworms?
Heartworms are a long worm-like parasite that thrives in the organs of dogs, and to a lesser degree cats. They are essentially transmitted by mosquitoes who carry their eggs when they extract blood from an animal and then transmit them to another host. Areas with warm, humid, climates that are more prone to large mosquito populations present a greater risk for pets. If they reproduce and spread rapidly within an animal’s body, they can cause damage to the lungs, heart, and even death in extreme cases. Due to the possibility of fatal consequences, heartworms are considered a serious problem for all animals. This is especially true because some animals, especially cats, may display very few symptoms or none at all.
Heartworm Treatment and Prevention
As a general preventive measure, animals can be given a test by a local veterinarian, along with other services for tick prevention and related problems during a standard pet care visit. There are also veterinary medicines that a vet can give your pet for heartworm treatment, but it is best to put them on a regular schedule with a vet to have blood tests done. This means that heartworms will always be detected and treated early as long as the vet’s schedule is followed. Cats may require more specialized testing for heartworms because they are not as easy to detect as in dogs, but a vet can use x-rays and other means to see inside a cat if necessary.
Worried About Your Pet?
For more information, you can call or visit our veterinary practice in Tucson Arizona. Twin Peaks Veterinary Center is available to provide treatment and prevention options for your pet.