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How to Tell if Your Pet Has An Eye Infection

How to Tell if Your Pet Has an Eye Infection

If your pet is winking at you, he may not be flirting with you, but it can be a sign of an eye infection. Discharge, rubbing the eyes and abnormal blinking can indicate a bacterial or viral eye infection in your four-legged family member. At Twin Peaks Veterinary Center in Tucson AZ, we can help your pet and get him healthy with a wagging tail. Learning about pet eye infection FAQ can help you to recognize the symptoms. 

Symptoms of Pet Eye Infections

Most pets want to please their owners and will try not to show that they are feeling ill, however, infections of the eye usually present some symptoms that they can’t mask. You may notice the whites of the eyes are red and they may have discharge that is clear, yellow or green. The third eyelid may be seen protruding and covering some of the eye or your pet may also have a nasal discharge, sneezing or a respiratory infection. An eye infection can cause your pet to squint and they may paw at the eye. 

Causes of Eye Infections in Pets

In dogs, eye infections can occur in any breed, however dogs that produce tears that stain, such as poodles are more prone to eye infections. The moisture from the tears stays in the fur around the eye and can attract bacteria that lead to an eye infection. Dogs may also develop a pink eye in which the inside of the eyelid is inflamed. This can be caused by a virus or bacteria. Chronic dry eye can also be a culprit, chronic dry eye is when the eyes don’t produce enough tears and this condition can also lead to an eye infection. 

In cats, eye infections are more common in young kittens that have weaker immune systems, as well is in older cats. Feline eye infections can be caused by a virus or bacteria. The most common bacterial sources are Chlamydia and Mycoplasma. Feline herpesvirus type 1 is the most prominent virus. In older cats, eye infections can occur suddenly as a result of another underlying issue such as eye injuries, an autoimmune disease, cancer, and viral infections. 

Diagnosis of Pet Eye Infection FAQ

The only way to heal a pet eye infection is to visit a veterinarian. If you live in the Tucson, AZ area you can come to Twin Peaks Veterinary Center. There the vet will do an examination and may take a swab or scrape cells from the irritated areas to make a diagnosis. The doctor can then prescribe medication for a bacterial infection or soothing eye drops for a viral infection that will clear on its own.

Twin Peaks Veterinary Center: Outstanding Veterinary Care

At Twin Peaks Veterinary Center in Tucson, our expert veterinarian can see your pet and give them an exam to determine what type of eye infection they may have. We can also make a diagnosis and prescribe medications as necessary along with a plan of action to get your favorite feline or canine companion on the road to clear vision without irritation. 



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Monday – Saturday: 7 AM to 6 PM
Closed Sundays