What To Expect From Your Puppy Or Kitten’s First Exam
First of all, we’d like to congratulate you on the new addition to your household. If love were enough to protect your furry pet from illness, you could easily expect your kitten or puppy to be around forever. But while love is important, it’s even more critical that this bundle of fur get proper health care from the very start. At Twin Peaks Veterinary Center in Tucson, AZ, we believe that a healthy and happy pet starts with a wellness exam.
Puppy and Kitten Care
Most rescue organizations and shelters do not release their animals until the age of 8 weeks, so you should make an appointment as soon as you can afterward. You can delay it until 10 weeks, but after that, you put your puppy or kitten at risk for illness. It’s also important that he or she becomes accustomed to being examined by one of our veterinarians.
Taking it Step-by-Step with Your Veterinarian in Tucson, AZ
Our veterinarians in Tucson, AZ, will take their time in giving your puppy or kitten a thorough exam. The exam includes:
Physical Exam
Since physical appearance plays a big part in the health of an animal, our vets will gently check your pet’s coat, skin, eyes, ears, and nose. Our doctors will also be testing your animal’s sight, hearing, and alertness. Sometimes, not all that’s going on with your puppy or kitten can be seen with the eye. Our veterinarians may order urine, fecal, and blood tests to rule out common pet problems.
A puppy and kitten care visit will include the administration of specific vaccinations. Protecting your beloved animal from disease and illness can extend his or her life. We will administer the shots based on your pet’s age, health, and lifestyle.
Before leaving, our reception staff will make an appointment for your next puppy and kitten care visits.
Pet Care for Life
Twin Peaks Veterinary Center is here for you no matter how old your pet is. We’re also here to answer any questions you have about puppy and kitten care. Contact our veterinarians in Tucson, AZ, today at 520-572-8300 to schedule an appointment.