How to Tell If Your Dog Has a Parasite
No one likes to think that their pet may be infested with nasty parasites. Internal parasites are a fairly common issue for dogs and cats. At Twin Peaks Veterinary Center in Tucson, Arizona, we believe that it is important to educate pet owners on these parasites and the potential problems they may cause.
Roundworms are a very common parasite. If your pet has roundworms, they probably acquired them by eating soil infested with this parasite’s eggs or their larvae or by eating an animal that had roundworms. Mother dogs or cats can also pass roundworms onto their offspring. Some of the symptoms a pet with roundworms might exhibit include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a loss of appetite. You may even see the worms in your pet’s feces.
Giardia is a one-celled parasite that lives in your pet’s intestines. Your dog or cat can become infected with giardia if they drink water that is contaminated with giardia or if they eat or sniff grass that has the parasite on it. If your pet has giardia, you might notice that they have lost weight or that they have chronic soft stools or diarrhea.
Heartworms are a dangerous parasite that can damage your pet’s internal organs and can also cause heart failure. The parasite is spread through the bite of a mosquito. Some signs that your pet may be infected with heartworms include a mild but persistent cough, fatigue, and weight loss. The treatment for heartworms can be expensive and rough on your dog. There is currently no treatment available for cats. The best course of action when it comes to heartworms is parasite prevention. That is why it’s important to take your pet to a veterinarian so that he or she can prescribe a heartworm preventative for parasite control for your beloved cat or dog.
Contact Us for Help with Parasite Control
If you suspect that your pet has any of these parasites or if you are just interested in parasite prevention, it is important to take action. Call Twin Peaks Veterinary Center in Tucson, Arizona, today at (520) 572-8300 to schedule an appointment with a veterinarian.