Monday – Saturday: 7 AM to 6 PM
Closed Sundays

How Do You Control Parasites In Animals?

How Do You Control Parasites In Animals?

Parasites, both internal and external, cause difficulties for animals when they contract them. If you have a dog, cat, or another domestic pet, taking steps to ensure they do not suffer from a parasite problem is extremely important. Contact Twin Peaks Veterinary Center in Tucson to schedule an appointment with one of our veterinarians for parasite prevention treatment.

Be on the Lookout for Signs of Parasites

Many pet owners do not realize their pet has a parasite problem until an infestation is present. If you take the time to check over your pet for signs of parasites, you can obtain treatment before the situation worsens. Fleas and ticks remain on your pet’s body. If your pet scratches or bites at his fur often, take a closer look for small parasites running through the fur or attached to his body. Internal parasites cause stomach distress, breathing problems, and lethargy.

How To Protect Your Pet At Home

To keep fleas and ticks from becoming a problem, take the time to comb your pet regularly so you can seek treatment if needed. Tend to your property to keep your lawn trim so that parasites are less likely to frequent the areas where your pet likes to roam. Vacuum your carpets often and wash your pet’s bedding frequently as well. To reduce the chance of your pet contracting heartworm disease, remove any standing water from your property so mosquitoes are less likely to breed.

What Our Vet Can Do to Help

Deworming medication can be given to your pet to remove roundworm or tapeworm, while heartworm medication can be used to kill these parasites in dogs. Unfortunately, cats do not have medication available for heartworm once they get into the body. It is imperative to give your cats preventative medication for heartworm. Fleas and ticks are killed with a topical medication that needs to be reapplied monthly. Other forms of flea and tick prevention are available and our veterinarian will recommend a product that is best suited for your particular pet.

Parasite Prevention in Tucson, AZ

Contact Twin Peaks Veterinary Center to make an appointment with our veterinarian for parasite prevention and more to keep your furry friend happy and healthy. Call us today at (520) 572-8300 to learn more.



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Monday – Saturday: 7 AM to 6 PM
Closed Sundays