Monday – Saturday: 7 AM to 6 PM
Closed Sundays

Heat In Car

Hot-Weather Safety With Our Tucson Veterinarian At Twin Peaks Veterinary Clinic

At Twin Peaks Veterinary Center, our Tucson veterinarian sadly sees and treats many cases of pet dehydration and even heat stroke each year, especially during the hot summer months. With this in mind, we thought it would be fitting to take some time and remind pet owners everywhere of the dangers of leaving pets in hot cars or otherwise exposing them to high temperatures.

The Dangers of Pet Dehydration and Pet Heatstroke

When you leave a pet in a hot car, even for “just a couple minutes,” it doesn’t take long for temperatures to begin skyrocketing to a dangerous level. And of course, even if you’re just running into the store, there’s always the possibility that you will get distracted by something or caught up in something that prevents you from returning to your car as quickly as you’d like. By the time you get back to your car, your pet could be suffering fro a potentially fatal heat stroke. Even if you leave the windows cracked while you’re away from your car, your pet may not be safe.

As a general rule, you should never leave your pet inside a car on an even remotely warm day. Furthermore, pet owners should be aware of some of the common signs of pet dehydration and pet heatstroke so they can seek veterinary care as soon as possible if needed. Specific signs to watch out for include:

  • sudden lethargy or loss of appetite
  • red and/or inflamed gums and tissues
  • heavy breathing or panting
  • excessive drooling
  • loss of consciousness

If your pet shows any of these signs after being exposed to hot temperatures, you need to see a vet right away.

Contact Our Tucson Veterinarian At Twin Peaks Veterinary Clinic With Questions!

If you have any questions about summer pet safety or if you need treatment for your pet, please contact our Tuscon veterinarian. You can reach our team at Twin Peaks Veterinary Center by giving our office a call at (520) 572-8300.



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Monday – Saturday: 7 AM to 6 PM
Closed Sundays