It is a common misconception that pet owners only have to worry about heartworms during the warmer months of the year. Though that is when you are most likely to encounter mosquitoes, these insects are now making appearances during early spring and late fall, increasing the chances of your pet being infected. Learn more about why year-round heartworm prevention is important for your pets.
The Benefits of Year-Round Prevention
Giving preventive medicine year-round serves multiple purposes. First, it helps to protect your pet from infection even in months where it is unseasonably warm. Second, if you are traveling with your pet, it means your pet is protected no matter what the climate. And third, it interrupts the growth cycle of any larvae a mosquito may have left after having bitten your pet.
Testing and Treatment
Whether you suspect heartworms in your pet, you missed a dose of heartworm prevention medicine, or even if you are giving the preventive medication on time every month, it is important to get your pet regularly tested for heartworms. No prevention method is 100 percent effective, and with missed doses, the chances of infection grow. So, before restarting your preventive medication, your veterinarian will want to test your pet. This is done with a simple blood test. If your dog’s results show they have heartworms, they will begin treatment. If caught early enough, they will likely have no problems with the treatment, which consists of injections over several months and intense rest and relaxation to allow their heart and lungs to rest. There is currently not a heartworm treatment for cats and ferrets, so prevention is vital for these pets.
How To Prevent Heartworms
There is only one way to prevent heartworms, and that is talking to your veterinarian and getting a prescription. Your veterinarian may have several options available. One option is chewable pills given at the same time every month. For those who travel, one favored option is an injection given at the veterinary clinic every 6 months. This means you do not have to worry about forgetting or missing doses. There is also a topical medicine that you apply directly to your pet’s skin. Your veterinarian can help you select the best solution for your pet.
Speak with your veterinarian at your next visit about heartworm prevention.