Monday – Saturday: 7 AM to 6 PM
Closed Sundays

Spay and Neuter FAQ

At Twin Peaks Veterinary Center, we have been spaying and neutering pets in Tucson, AZ for many years. Getting your pet spayed and neutered is an important process, but not a lot of people are fully aware of the exactly why and what it entails. Following are the answers to questions our veterinarian frequently receives regarding spaying and neutering.

What Are Spaying and Neutering?

Spaying and neutering boil down to the sterilization and castration of female and male pets respectively. When a pet is spayed, its ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus are removed, preventing the pet from reproducing as well as eliminate behaviors associated with heat and breeding.

The neutering process involves removing the testes. Much like with spaying, having a veterinarian do this process ensures that your pet loses the ability to reproduce while also curbing aggressive and potentially dangerous male breeding behaviors.

What Is the Proper Age to Spay or Neuter Your Pet?

One can spay or neuter their pet as early as 6-8 weeks. However, this may not be the best choice, as the risks of harm from anesthesia are increased at this age. There is no age cap for spaying and neutering. Typically, our animal hospital personnel recommend pets undergo the procedure at or around six months of age.

Should I Let My Pet Give Birth First?

The recommended age to spay or neuter is usually down to the personal decision of the pet owner. It should be noted that doctors recommended doing the process before the first heat cycle to allow for the prevention of potential health risks down the road. Only allow your pet to reproduce if you are prepared to care for the offspring, as there are already significant pet overcrowding issues.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Veterinarian in Tucson Today

If you have a pet who needs to be spayed or neutered and they are at the right age and condition for it, contact Twin Peaks Veterinary Center in Tucson, AZ today. For more information or to schedule an appointment with our veterinarian, call us at (520) 572-8300.



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Monday – Saturday: 7 AM to 6 PM
Closed Sundays